July 08, 2011

Virtual Rebirth

I started blogging long back ...before i even understood what blogging is all about.. I used to scribble about almost everything that came up my mind ..scribbled up my thoughts , but later 2005 i stopped blogging left it dead.At that point in my life, I needed to save me for me, I needed to keep things to myself. And while I'm sorry I lost my readers, I still know it was the right decision.

After a few years I started my lame attempts to keep posing in that blog but I failed, I failed
to join words together to form a sentence I never understood it why...now I understand blogging is easier when one just scribbles out his thoughts not focussing on anything it took me so many years to understand it.

This was a long time coming but it's 2011 and today, I finally killed my old blog. My archives are still safe somewhere, they're just not where they used to be.

This isn't the end though. This is the beginning. The nocturnal devil is about to be reincarnated


  1. Feel much the same.. Surprised how sometimes even scribbling requires you to get in the flow.. Paradoxical. Sigh!

  2. yup !! well all thanks to u ppl with the confidence that some one will read the crap I write, I get new ideas to scribble ;) !!
