July 13, 2011

Duc(K)t Tape

I've heard it claimed that all you need to repair anything is Duct Tape (and possibly some one who knows to fix things). In my short existence, I have seen this grey adhesive wonder mend much more than a screwdriver ever could.
I don’t carry the official title of Duct Tape “Adhesive Solutions Engineer”, but some say the title has been given to me honorarily. Most of the time  I carry with me a roll of standard-issue, grey Duct Tape and it has come to the rescue more times than I could ever count.

"Today I found out Duct tape was originally named “Duck” tape and originally only came in green, not silver."

Duc(K)t tape prior processing
There is a MIGHTY conspiracy behind duc(K)t tape's name... some believe that a duc(K)t tape is actually made from ducks although no one is sure of how it is made . Well according to me Duct tape is obviously made of ducks. Only an idiot would say it's not. However majority of people said that they do not believe Duct tape is made of ducks, one can either say that most people are idiots, or that it might be that Duct tape is not actually made from ducks afterall.
Nobody is completely sure just how the factories make it. Some say that after the cute little duckies hatch they are ground into powder, which is mixed with water and forms a glue. Others say they don't know. Whatever the method, duct tape is made of ducks. They also say that this tape has magical duck powers. This has not yet been proven,until the year x, which incidentally was 2011 , many believe that these magical duck powers posess things such as making you able to fly, and even turn people into duck faced camels.

Here I've listed few of the uses of duct tape which might be even above what you can imagine so just go on read em;)

  • Band-Aid for really big cuts. 
  • Wallpaper your house (may be slightly expensive, but well worth it for the resulting sophisticated look).
  • Toilet paper. ( try this at your own risk or else you'll have a clean waxing )
  • Taping annoying people to walls, floor, ceiling, or bed.
  • Clothing ? all sorts.
  • Use to pull unsightly hair. Why bother with waxing... 
  • Keeps pledges in their place (also applies to siblings).
  • An entire roll can be used in place of a bedroom door to keep someone in for hours. 
  • Mute function for humans. ( my fav one of all the uses).
  • Contraceptive device. 
  • Seat belts that'll REALLY keep the kids still.
  • Hold temple onto eye glasses.
  • Use instead of nail polish. 
  • Use as a belt. (this'd surely make any size pant fit for you).
  • Hold shoe laces together. best even replace shoe lace.
  • Hair bands or clips.
  • Hold car door shut.
  • Put it on your lawn and paint it green. Say good-bye to mowing.
  • Home security system - tape up doors and windows. 
  • Surgical bandage. 
  • Fix a cigarette that is broken at the filter. 
  • Make a space suit out of it so you can walk on the moon.
  • Throw it at people.
  • Put a few rolls on their side and roll them to have a duct tape race! 
  • Waterproof sun screen for bald men.
  • Twist a long piece into rope (thousands more uses).
  • Can be used to clean the floor when no vacuum is available.
  • Make a tie out of it.
  • Make really cool underwear. 
  • Poor man's Viagra - two sticks and duct tape.
  • Hold up worn out socks.
  • Tape keys to bottom of car so you never lose them.
  • When you get in a really boring conversation pull it out and ask the other person if they can name 101 uses for it (plus or minus 70 or 80).

Even though this honoured tape can be very useful, sometimes we must remember to restrain our Duct Taping impulses:
  • Not everyone likes Duct Tape on their car, chairs, pants, house, shoes, hats, TVs, pets, sports gear, and computer.
  • I also wouldn’t recommend you take your date on a romantic night of Duct Taping, or use the stuff to construct an engagement ring – not everyone may understand that kind of fun.
  • And  I don’t recommend you write your assignment paper on it.

I think you will agree that duct tape is much more interesting than it appears on the surface. Every household should have a roll or two. Maybe you can find a new use for it – won’t hurt to try!

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