July 12, 2011

DRUGS n getting HIGH....!!

Recently few of Indian athelts are on news because of consumption of drugs !! talking bout drugs ...ever wondered why some one take drugs ?? 

gosh!! you seem so interested to know more about drugs ...!!You sure seem HIGHly enthusiastic to know it  i know you have many questions bout drugs and their effects so go ahead get your dose of knowledge and get HIGH !! 

You can be this cool with simple addiction addition of drugs
to your lifestyle
Drugs have some very unique and beneficiary reactions by 
  • Making the world look cool
  • Making a person feel happy
  • Making him HIGHly intellectual
  • Making him THE KING OF THE WORLD 
  • Also makes all other people uncool until they take drugs too.
Drugs were used by Cool people all the way since the human evolution. Though the method and style of consumption were different the main aim was to get high. High ever than any one has ever been before. (P.S initially people used to climb trees or mountains to get high later they found out easier way to get high thanks to drugs ).  I really wonder how many leaves and seeds they tested before finding out the proper one i really salute to their contribution but due to cheap politics their names were never disclosed yet they are the true founders of the way to happiness.
well during this time many animals were killed too also some of the animals were used to test the effect of different drugs. Well this was possible mainly due to 3 important things which are worth to be noted 
  1. No better work to do for people
  2. Availability of plenty of animals.
  3. No one cared bout treatment of animals ( NOTE: PETA was started later in 19th century)
Well some believe this might also be a reason for extinction of few animals well directly or indirectly, also some people believe those animals aren't extinct they just lost their way as they were high. 

Drugs not only makes thing cool but they have very high contributions towards art take BOB MARLEY for example. Many of the painting marvels are created as they were inspired only after consumption of drugs look at Monalisa's eye dosent she look so high n cool??? all thanks to marijuana the magic leaf.

Drugs provide a wide range of profitable career opportunities for young, promising folk. The most common form of employment in the drug industry is the job of User, which sacrifices traditional commodity gain for euphoria and cool points. With enough effort put into the job, one can get a promotion to Abuser, and it's only an upward spiral from thereon.
Alternately, one can become involved in the drug industry itself, as a dealer, importer/exporter, etc. Though most people will find job security by seeking employment in the established Druggie franchise, more enterprising citizens can start independent drug companies. These entrepreneurs should beware, though, since competition is a bitch.
Counterintuitive, plain and simple. It's true what those commercials tell you, one marijuana joint does have the power of twenty cigarettes but do you know how cool smoking just one cigarette makes you? Just ask the cool kids at school, they smoke a pack a day. You can get up to their status in just a week with a handful of joints. Thanks for the information, anti-drug ad campaigns!
What's even more hypocritical are those "____ is my Anti-Drug" advertisements, which fail to tell you the catastrophic downsides of each anti-drug. For example, music abuse can lead to permanent hearing loss and drawing art can lead to severe poverty, hunger, and homosexuality. They don't seem so safe anymore, do they?
Using drugs, as a career or hobby or both, seems plenty more appealing when you weigh the alternatives. Would you rather play chess or be cool and feel great at the same time?The answer should be self-evident. There is simply nothing nearly as wonderful and helpful as drugs.