July 15, 2011

Big Bang

The Big Bang is the phenomena in which, from a singularity, all matter came into existence. This matter would eventually go on to form such objects as Rajanikanth, bikes, and World. No one knows when and how exactly Big Bang happened , The only evidence about big bang ever obtained is "It was a Tuesday afternoon much like any other. It was dark and silent and there really was very little going on. Then it happened - then every single thing ever happened." (gosh this is a saying of witness from from Nagasaki, well I suppose some one would say same to big bang if they'd survived to say it ).

The big bang wiped out the remaining populations of the already critically endangered dinosaurs of the land before time. Needless to say, the world was shocked by this pronouncement, they even enquired Al-Quida, Saddam and many terrorist groups regarding big bang but later the case was dismissed due to lack of evidence. 

The reason and theories bout big bang are quiet intresting than big bang itself, though none of the theories are actually proven. It is really hard to come to a conclusion without understanding those theories some even argue these theories were tested so many time before the actual big bang. Some even argue how did they test it before as big bang created the universe. God these arguing people !!

In the beginning, there was a void, and then a few particles of nothing crashed into each other and formed the first atom, photon, and electron. These particles quickly had hot, vicious sex and had so many children that the universe was created. Because of its sexual nature, this process of universe creation is called the Big Bang.

Another theory of the big bang is that God let one of his supermassive farts out before time and space were even around, the particles of his fart eventually were pulled together by gravity and made the infamous FART NEBULA.
Many have denied this particular theory, saying that the Big Bang was caused by God lighting a fart on fire.

Some U.S scientists believe that the big bang is the result of the war in middle east. They claim to have evidence that Saddam blasted his weapons of mass destruction into space, in an attempt to hide them for UN (unique nitwits) officials.

Several other theories have been proposed as well, including the Small Bang Theory, the Moderately-sized Bang Theory, the Just-big-enough Bang Theory, all of which had more scientific merit than the Big Bang Theory but due to decreasing popularity in science the Big Bang Theory became the norm partially due to its relative simplicity (everything blew up...) and partially because the movie version would be more likely to attract male teens in the 19-25 demographic. Even though the movie version was eventually scrapped (most likely because the title Dabaang was already taken and Rajani being unwell)

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