July 31, 2011

Global Warming

Global warming is an issue on which humankind has come to unanimous agreement with unprecedented speed. The Earth is warming, or else it's cooling, or else it's not doing either very fast. If left unchecked, this will lead to the destruction of civilization and believe me this is not “ the increase in heat that happens every year in the spring and continues through summer”
The main cause of global warming is the well-known poisonous gas carbon dioxide. There is more of it in the air than there used to be, we know that combustion, smokestacks, and buttholes emit it, and we know that flasks containing pure carbon dioxide get pretty fricking hot. Thus, a human-caused apocalypse.  (Human causation is bullshit due to the fact that all the other planets in our solar system are experiencing comparable climate changes.)

Scientists first observed global warming in 1895. Then in 1920 they said it was global cooling. Then in 1935 they said there was global warming, but then in 1975 they said it was the verge of a new Ice Age but then it became global warming again. But that is all old news. Let's stop talking about discredited work and move on to the real cause of it,
Essentially, every human contributes to the global crisis, unless he or she:

  • Doesn't exhale
  • Doesn't pass gas
  • Doesn't eat the meat of an animal that exhales or passes gas
  • Doesn't eat vegetables either--you know they give you gas
  • Doesn't cook anything
  • Doesn't travel anywhere in a car, truck, plane, or boat
  • Doesn't use electricity.
Specifically at fault are everyone with a computer (yes, YOU), Cars with the peeing peeping dog sticker. 
Everyone must manage his "carbon footprint." Fortunately, this exercise is less time-consuming than brushing two times a day, requires less determination than one needs to quit smoking, and is less frustrating than learning table of 8.

As every problem has a solution, there are many possible ways to stop global warming 
  1. Keeping earth in a Giant cooler (  Dr.Evil would laugh at this idea too so we should think of something effective)
  2. Breathing, much like eating and drinking, has been shown to increase CO2 emissions. Most experts agree that being taxed for the air we breathe is a legitimate way to reduce global warming. Engineers have devised a coin-operated valve that could be attached to bodily orifices.
  3. Existing is commonly cited as the most influential cause of global warming. Fortunately, eco-friendly groups such as Al-Qaeda help cut down on existing. Existence is predicted to reach an all-time low by 2012.
  4. Instead of reducing carbon-di-oxide we can reduce the other component of it i.e oxygen. After all, if there were no oxygen, the human race wouldn't exist, and obviously human-caused global warming would not be happening.
  5.  We need to find a way to get rid of the cars. What immediately comes to mind is Venice, Italy. They NEVER use cars. Ever. And why don’t they use cars? Water. Lots and lots of water everywhere you look. So we need to follow their example and fill our streets with water.
    Where could we get such large volumes of water? Sea voyagers and explorers have discovered, on both poles of the earth, large quantities of frozen water. It's just sitting there and not being put to use. So, we need to find a way to melt them.
    The perfect way is to burn as much fossil fuel as possible, so as to increase the temperature of the globe. This will raise the height of the ocean, and, consequently, fill the streets of coastal cities worldwide, with liberating, problem-solving, 100% natural water. Once the streets are filled with water, they’ll be just like Venice; no carbon emissions. They can get around in boats. And there, the problem is solved. No more global warming!
Things you can do to tackle Global Warming
New studies have found helpful things you can do to tackle global warming:
  1. Turn on your A/C units with the doors open.
  2. Don't use regular weed killer, use DDT.
  3. Have a tyre fire blazing at all times on your property.
  4. Heat your house with electric heaters. There is no pollution, is there?
  5. Buy an SUV, and never turn the engine off. Trips taken when the engine is hot take less fuel than if the engine is cold.
  6. Desert civilization and start living off the land again. (This means no computers, okay?)
  7. Enter a 'Warm Age.'
  8. Go to Windows Task Manager, select Globalwarming.exe and click End Process.
  9. Drop a giant ice cube into the sea.
  10. Stick a cork in the butthole of every cow and pig.
  11. Open the cold water tap, and never close it.
  12. Fill a bottle with water before you throw it away. This will prevent sea-level rise.
  13. Never close the refrigerator door.
  14. Leave all the lights in your house on at all times.
  15. Definitely don't figure out a way to pump CO2 out of the atmosphere. It's far more efficient to go back to the stone age.
  16. Burn down every local gas station so there is none left for the selfish bastards in cars to use.
  17. Instead of eating meat, try babies.
  18. Take off your shoes. You may not leave a carbon footprint at all, and if you do, it will surely be smaller.
  19. When you are walking make grand flying motions with your arms to cool down the air around you.
None of these things are guaranteed to slow down or stop further global warming. Scientists can be wrong. Who gets tomorrow's weather forecast wrong most of the time?!

July 29, 2011


doctor is nothing more than a drug dealer with a college degree . It should also be noted that doctors are paid to be cruel and are frequently torture hobbyists, who like to poke people with sharp objects, administer nasty tasting medications, give enemas, and do other things that cause previously normal people to look like trees and feel like potential violent criminals. In fact, the people they treat are called "patients" for putting up with their sadistic experiments and cruel acts. A more accurate term is victims. A doctor has to say a "hypocritical oath," which means that they can nag you about your own eating habits while being a lardass him/herself. So, forget about anatomy and forget about diseases - if you're really ill, don't waste your money; pop some DayQuills and a GinTonic and you're far better off. Doctors should ONLY be consulted when you need to get high. So, now to the essentials - how to get cheap dope from 'em. Often, doctors give head to patients to ease their pain and distract their mind from seeing minge.

You need to understand and embrace this concept. I have personally heard doctors referring  to their patients as "hoopleheads" and "that A-hole out in the waiting room." The sooner you come to terms with this the quicker you will understand the concept of "the rectal exam" as well as other painful medical procedures. You really don't think they know how much it hurts? They've gone to college longer than you've been alive - of course they know it hurts. Thats why they do it. Aside from that, it's a smashing good way to make a living if anyone happen to be sadistic by nature. 

Doctors like to hurt you, and here are some tools of their trade:
  • Rubber gloves. They are the worst because when you hear them snap on, you almost scream in fear.
  • Speculum. Females know about this one! It is a tool made for causing pain. And, the doctor uses this tool while wearing rubber gloves!
  • Needles. You are laying on the exam table and you feel a chill as you see the gloves go on. You begin to sweat in fear as the doctor prepares you for the injection. He tells you to relax and that you will not feel a thing. Then he stabs your ass with a three inch needle. Yeah...
  • Proctoscope. Guys, you know what I am talking about...

The Doctors Will....

  • give you zombifying drugs helping you stand a few more crappy years in a lethal environment
  • prescribe painful, rectally administered procedures
  • Tell you to relax and that you won't feel a thing, then hurt you so bad you scream in pain

When the Doctor is wrong
if this is the case and they have diagnosed you incorrectly therefore given you the wrong medication, then you will either die or suffer from ihatedoctors syndrome.

July 27, 2011

Engineering & Engineers

The sole purpose of engineering is to take a simple task and make it difficult.
It is also found that Engineering is a common genetic disorder which (like color blindness) is most commonly manifest among males and has recently mutated into a form able to infect the female population.
Engineering can be opted only when you are mentally weak and only those people choose this danger who want to end up their life.

The main characteristics and behavious of engineers
 Include impaired physical coordination, stunted muscle growth, inability to, use commas effectively, spelling and grammatical incompetence, linguistic employment of sophisticated incomprehensible techno-jargon, impaired social skills, and an obtuse ignorance of all fashion rules. This combination of mental, physical and social dysfunctions has often been compared to other disabilities.
Engineering can be opted only when you are mentally weak and only those people choose this danger who want to end up their life.
Engineers are a strange specimen who ensure your roof does not fall on your head, they do this by ensuring any structural stability is promptly removed (their favorite way of doing this is by destroying any supporting members in a building, preferably with an axe or dead beaver).
Engineers are descended from geologists and are one of the few living examples of 'backwards evolution'. Some say that removing all reasoning skills, common-sense, relevant and useful intelligence and all social and communication skills from a Geologist will usually result in the creation of a true 'Engineer'. However, this ignores the fact that typical engineers can actually do mathematics, whereas geologists are better known for their ability to drink beer and eat granola bars simultaneously. Thus their entry criteria differ.

An increasing number of 'Engineers' are self-styled and the result of an obsession to join the very popular and largely superfluous 'Engineering Fraternity'. To qualify as one of these 'new generation' engineers, one needs only to add the word 'Engineer' after any job title. There are no restrictions and is typically limited only to the imagination. Some popular and common examples include: Waste Disposal Engineer (garbage dump attendant), Mechanical Engineer (grease monkey/mechanic), Electrical Engineer (electrician), Aerospace Engineer (contraption inventor), Maintenance Engineer (janitors & council workers), Safety Engineer (cross-walk attendant), Production Engineer (factory worker), Livestock Processing Engineer (slaughterhouse gun-man), Stock Control Engineer (shelf packer), Petroleum Engineer (ExCel Spreadsheet Operator), Mining Engineer (Sandbox Enthusiast), Domestic Engineer (housewife or househusband).
Engineers are rarely found in the presence of any other animals, and generally fear human contact. When forced to, engineers will group together and exhibit meager signs of friendship, though it is generally believed that this is strictly a survival instinct, and that no engineer actually wants to be friends with anybody other than their calculator.

Many engineers - oftentimes the ones that barely complete their engineering degrees - enjoy a good rousing chorus of song. One especial such chant is as follows
We are, we are
We are the engineers
We can, we can
Demolish forty beers
Drink rum, drink rum
And come along with us
For we don't give a damn
For any damn man
Who won't give a damn for us
Engineers believe that the Ritualistic Sacrifice of a building or other public asset every decade or so, through it collapse, will bring about a new age where they will be able to exhibitCharisma. There is much confusion amongst members of the public who mistakenly believe structural collapse, even when minor, is the result of incompetence or hubris of the engineer
Student Engineer
Student Engineers, or Engineering Students, are the young, developing engineer. They spend many hours on getting drunk and watching Sci-fic Movies. These future engineers also spend much of their time unwashed except when doing the latter of the above. It is also a fact that In their first few years of life, student engineers are amongst the laziest, most apathetic people on the planet, even more so than gypsies.
Freshman students often transform into engineers after wandering into buildings at their college campus at night after heavy drinking. Typically 5 to 6 years later, they will emerge from the same building they were last seen entering. Approximately 30% survive the gestation period, the remaining 70% can usually be found either in business schools or bars, sometimes both. Outside of the engineering building (the nest) student engineers are easily recognized when they leave the building as they travel in herds of other engineers and make jokes that no one outside of the group understands.
Little Known facts about engineers
  • Engineers may be able to hold a pen, but spelling is certainly beyond their abilities. If they have to identify themselves in writing, the result is invariably injuneer.
  • The World Society For Written Communication found engineers to have the writing and grammar skills of a mentally challenged chimpanzee
  • The Female to Male ratio among Engineers is approximately 1:e^888888888 which contributes to their dwindling numbers in the wild. It is a common misconception that there are no female engineers. This is not the case. They simply look so alike as to be utterly indistinguishable. It's the beards.
  • All offspring of Engineers mutate to become anything other than Engineers at first sight of their parents.
  • The main difference between a Pig and an Engineer is that a Pig does not turn into an Engineer when it gets drunk.
  • A recent world-wide study of more than seventeen engineers found 9/10 of them are ashamed to admit they're an engineer, preferring instead to tell others they are janitors, groundsmen, school teachers or pimps, among others.

July 20, 2011

Time Machine

Its been one of the deepest fantasies of every man to invent a time machine, to travel back in time to correct his mistakes (or screw em up much more ). Imagine if ever this thing becomes what may be the consequences and confusions

Confusion 1:
If you travel to the past to kill a person, and succeed, then in the future (your present) that person will not exist, thus you don't have to go back in time to kill him/her. But if you didn't go back, then he/she will still be alive. Then you'd have to send yourself back in time to kill him/her, but, if you succeed, he/she wouldn't be alive when you first planned to kill him/her. And, as it is pointless to kill a dead person, you give up the time travel. But look! He/She is still alive, because you didn't go back in time to kill him/her! And if you decide to kill that person again in his/her past, then you'd travel back in time, and if you succeed, that person would be dead in the future again, so you wouldn't bother building the extremely expensive time-travelling machinery to kill a dead person! And as soon as you give up travelling in time, the previously deceased ceases its deceased state, because you had never really killed him/her.

Confusion 2 :
If you travel back in time and accidentally kill your grandfather, you would not exist in the present, and thus you'd be in a condition totally inappropriate for travelling; you'd be non-existent. But, if you don't exist, then you cannot kill your grandfather, so your grandfather would live his life well, until an ungrateful grandchild happened to kill him. Unless you also impregnate your grandmother while in the past. But that's just wrong.

Confusion 3:
You find a time machine and realize it works. Immediately you are visited by yourself, only older. His time machine is broken, so he wants yours. Unfortunately, he is a complete freaking moron so you try to kill him. Sadly, he kills you. But if he killed you, how could he kill you? And why are you such a freaking moron in the future anyway?

Confusion 4:
You are intersex, and you are taken back in time and tricked into impregnating your younger, female self (before you underwent a sex change). Your younger self then gives birth to yourself, which an older you then kidnaps and drops off in an orphanage several years in the past in order to ensure your own existence, with the resulting consequence that you are your own mother, father, son, and daughter. You also realize that you seduced yourself and had a one-night stand with yourself, and you are therefore the world's sickest bastard.

Edit Temporal Paradox #8 section

Confusion 5:
You go back in time and mess everything up, but when you get back to the present it turns out you'd already messed everything up in the past BEFORE YOU EVEN WENT BACK so everything's exactly the same.

To overcome these confusions one has to follow few things like

  1.  Don't ask your younger/older self what's going on.
  2. While time travelling, don't alter the past.
    Altering the past includes:

    • Killing people. Those people include important historical figures, your relatives, and most important, yourself. Do not kill yourself. Unless, of course you were supposed to, then don't not do it!
    • Having unsafe sexual relations with people from the past. Unless, of course you were supposed to, then don't not do it!
    • Leaving objects from the Future. Audi's, I-pods, garbage and laser pistols must be brought back. Unless, of course you were supposed to, then don't not do it!
    • Putting instant coffee in a microwave oven. Unless, of course you were supposed to, then don't not do it!
    • Speaking, writing, drawing, miming, or communicate future events in any means. Unless, of course you were supposed to, then don't not do it!
    • Killing certain types of Snakes and Ocelots. Unless, of course you were supposed to, then don't not do it!
    • Backdating checks or money orders. Unless, of course you were supposed to, then don't not do it!
    • Transmitting recordings of old time radio shows into a black hole. Unless, of course you were supposed to, then don't not do it!
    • Enslaving native people. Unless, of course you were supposed to, then don't not do it!
    • Singing New songs. Unless, of course you were supposed to, then don't not do it!
    • Existing. Unless, of course you were supposed to, then don't not do it!
    • Associate with Doctor Who. Unless, of course you were suppose to, then don't not do it!

    But if you stick to the rules, time-travelling can be fun. 
    Please remember to always wear the appropriate clothes for the time/place you are visiting, and keep your hands and internal organs inside the time machine during the travel. or, quite simply, DON'T MESS WITH THE UNIVERSE OR ITS CONTENTS.

July 15, 2011

Big Bang

The Big Bang is the phenomena in which, from a singularity, all matter came into existence. This matter would eventually go on to form such objects as Rajanikanth, bikes, and World. No one knows when and how exactly Big Bang happened , The only evidence about big bang ever obtained is "It was a Tuesday afternoon much like any other. It was dark and silent and there really was very little going on. Then it happened - then every single thing ever happened." (gosh this is a saying of witness from from Nagasaki, well I suppose some one would say same to big bang if they'd survived to say it ).

The big bang wiped out the remaining populations of the already critically endangered dinosaurs of the land before time. Needless to say, the world was shocked by this pronouncement, they even enquired Al-Quida, Saddam and many terrorist groups regarding big bang but later the case was dismissed due to lack of evidence. 

The reason and theories bout big bang are quiet intresting than big bang itself, though none of the theories are actually proven. It is really hard to come to a conclusion without understanding those theories some even argue these theories were tested so many time before the actual big bang. Some even argue how did they test it before as big bang created the universe. God these arguing people !!

In the beginning, there was a void, and then a few particles of nothing crashed into each other and formed the first atom, photon, and electron. These particles quickly had hot, vicious sex and had so many children that the universe was created. Because of its sexual nature, this process of universe creation is called the Big Bang.

Another theory of the big bang is that God let one of his supermassive farts out before time and space were even around, the particles of his fart eventually were pulled together by gravity and made the infamous FART NEBULA.
Many have denied this particular theory, saying that the Big Bang was caused by God lighting a fart on fire.

Some U.S scientists believe that the big bang is the result of the war in middle east. They claim to have evidence that Saddam blasted his weapons of mass destruction into space, in an attempt to hide them for UN (unique nitwits) officials.

Several other theories have been proposed as well, including the Small Bang Theory, the Moderately-sized Bang Theory, the Just-big-enough Bang Theory, all of which had more scientific merit than the Big Bang Theory but due to decreasing popularity in science the Big Bang Theory became the norm partially due to its relative simplicity (everything blew up...) and partially because the movie version would be more likely to attract male teens in the 19-25 demographic. Even though the movie version was eventually scrapped (most likely because the title Dabaang was already taken and Rajani being unwell)

July 13, 2011

Duc(K)t Tape

I've heard it claimed that all you need to repair anything is Duct Tape (and possibly some one who knows to fix things). In my short existence, I have seen this grey adhesive wonder mend much more than a screwdriver ever could.
I don’t carry the official title of Duct Tape “Adhesive Solutions Engineer”, but some say the title has been given to me honorarily. Most of the time  I carry with me a roll of standard-issue, grey Duct Tape and it has come to the rescue more times than I could ever count.

"Today I found out Duct tape was originally named “Duck” tape and originally only came in green, not silver."

Duc(K)t tape prior processing
There is a MIGHTY conspiracy behind duc(K)t tape's name... some believe that a duc(K)t tape is actually made from ducks although no one is sure of how it is made . Well according to me Duct tape is obviously made of ducks. Only an idiot would say it's not. However majority of people said that they do not believe Duct tape is made of ducks, one can either say that most people are idiots, or that it might be that Duct tape is not actually made from ducks afterall.
Nobody is completely sure just how the factories make it. Some say that after the cute little duckies hatch they are ground into powder, which is mixed with water and forms a glue. Others say they don't know. Whatever the method, duct tape is made of ducks. They also say that this tape has magical duck powers. This has not yet been proven,until the year x, which incidentally was 2011 , many believe that these magical duck powers posess things such as making you able to fly, and even turn people into duck faced camels.

Here I've listed few of the uses of duct tape which might be even above what you can imagine so just go on read em;)

  • Band-Aid for really big cuts. 
  • Wallpaper your house (may be slightly expensive, but well worth it for the resulting sophisticated look).
  • Toilet paper. ( try this at your own risk or else you'll have a clean waxing )
  • Taping annoying people to walls, floor, ceiling, or bed.
  • Clothing ? all sorts.
  • Use to pull unsightly hair. Why bother with waxing... 
  • Keeps pledges in their place (also applies to siblings).
  • An entire roll can be used in place of a bedroom door to keep someone in for hours. 
  • Mute function for humans. ( my fav one of all the uses).
  • Contraceptive device. 
  • Seat belts that'll REALLY keep the kids still.
  • Hold temple onto eye glasses.
  • Use instead of nail polish. 
  • Use as a belt. (this'd surely make any size pant fit for you).
  • Hold shoe laces together. best even replace shoe lace.
  • Hair bands or clips.
  • Hold car door shut.
  • Put it on your lawn and paint it green. Say good-bye to mowing.
  • Home security system - tape up doors and windows. 
  • Surgical bandage. 
  • Fix a cigarette that is broken at the filter. 
  • Make a space suit out of it so you can walk on the moon.
  • Throw it at people.
  • Put a few rolls on their side and roll them to have a duct tape race! 
  • Waterproof sun screen for bald men.
  • Twist a long piece into rope (thousands more uses).
  • Can be used to clean the floor when no vacuum is available.
  • Make a tie out of it.
  • Make really cool underwear. 
  • Poor man's Viagra - two sticks and duct tape.
  • Hold up worn out socks.
  • Tape keys to bottom of car so you never lose them.
  • When you get in a really boring conversation pull it out and ask the other person if they can name 101 uses for it (plus or minus 70 or 80).

Even though this honoured tape can be very useful, sometimes we must remember to restrain our Duct Taping impulses:
  • Not everyone likes Duct Tape on their car, chairs, pants, house, shoes, hats, TVs, pets, sports gear, and computer.
  • I also wouldn’t recommend you take your date on a romantic night of Duct Taping, or use the stuff to construct an engagement ring – not everyone may understand that kind of fun.
  • And  I don’t recommend you write your assignment paper on it.

I think you will agree that duct tape is much more interesting than it appears on the surface. Every household should have a roll or two. Maybe you can find a new use for it – won’t hurt to try!

July 12, 2011

DRUGS n getting HIGH....!!

Recently few of Indian athelts are on news because of consumption of drugs !! talking bout drugs ...ever wondered why some one take drugs ?? 

gosh!! you seem so interested to know more about drugs ...!!You sure seem HIGHly enthusiastic to know it  i know you have many questions bout drugs and their effects so go ahead get your dose of knowledge and get HIGH !! 

You can be this cool with simple addiction addition of drugs
to your lifestyle
Drugs have some very unique and beneficiary reactions by 
  • Making the world look cool
  • Making a person feel happy
  • Making him HIGHly intellectual
  • Making him THE KING OF THE WORLD 
  • Also makes all other people uncool until they take drugs too.
Drugs were used by Cool people all the way since the human evolution. Though the method and style of consumption were different the main aim was to get high. High ever than any one has ever been before. (P.S initially people used to climb trees or mountains to get high later they found out easier way to get high thanks to drugs ).  I really wonder how many leaves and seeds they tested before finding out the proper one i really salute to their contribution but due to cheap politics their names were never disclosed yet they are the true founders of the way to happiness.
well during this time many animals were killed too also some of the animals were used to test the effect of different drugs. Well this was possible mainly due to 3 important things which are worth to be noted 
  1. No better work to do for people
  2. Availability of plenty of animals.
  3. No one cared bout treatment of animals ( NOTE: PETA was started later in 19th century)
Well some believe this might also be a reason for extinction of few animals well directly or indirectly, also some people believe those animals aren't extinct they just lost their way as they were high. 

Drugs not only makes thing cool but they have very high contributions towards art take BOB MARLEY for example. Many of the painting marvels are created as they were inspired only after consumption of drugs look at Monalisa's eye dosent she look so high n cool??? all thanks to marijuana the magic leaf.

Drugs provide a wide range of profitable career opportunities for young, promising folk. The most common form of employment in the drug industry is the job of User, which sacrifices traditional commodity gain for euphoria and cool points. With enough effort put into the job, one can get a promotion to Abuser, and it's only an upward spiral from thereon.
Alternately, one can become involved in the drug industry itself, as a dealer, importer/exporter, etc. Though most people will find job security by seeking employment in the established Druggie franchise, more enterprising citizens can start independent drug companies. These entrepreneurs should beware, though, since competition is a bitch.
Counterintuitive, plain and simple. It's true what those commercials tell you, one marijuana joint does have the power of twenty cigarettes but do you know how cool smoking just one cigarette makes you? Just ask the cool kids at school, they smoke a pack a day. You can get up to their status in just a week with a handful of joints. Thanks for the information, anti-drug ad campaigns!
What's even more hypocritical are those "____ is my Anti-Drug" advertisements, which fail to tell you the catastrophic downsides of each anti-drug. For example, music abuse can lead to permanent hearing loss and drawing art can lead to severe poverty, hunger, and homosexuality. They don't seem so safe anymore, do they?
Using drugs, as a career or hobby or both, seems plenty more appealing when you weigh the alternatives. Would you rather play chess or be cool and feel great at the same time?The answer should be self-evident. There is simply nothing nearly as wonderful and helpful as drugs.


July 10, 2011

cracking ol' sayings

Some of the ancient followings ...sayings always puzzled me I always wondered why its like this or why they say like that finally I figured out few of them on my own :D !! well this might not be true but they seem good so just read on ;)!!

1. Most people got married in June becauae they took their yearly bath in May and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so bride carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odour.

2. Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children - last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it - hence the saying, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.”

3. Houses had thatched roofs - thick straw - piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the dogs, cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof, hence the saying “Its raining cats and dogs.”

4. There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom, where bugs and other droppings could really mess up the bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That’s how canopy bends came into existence. The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt, hence the saying “dirt poor.”

July 08, 2011

Virtual Rebirth

I started blogging long back ...before i even understood what blogging is all about.. I used to scribble about almost everything that came up my mind ..scribbled up my thoughts , but later 2005 i stopped blogging left it dead.At that point in my life, I needed to save me for me, I needed to keep things to myself. And while I'm sorry I lost my readers, I still know it was the right decision.

After a few years I started my lame attempts to keep posing in that blog but I failed, I failed
to join words together to form a sentence I never understood it why...now I understand blogging is easier when one just scribbles out his thoughts not focussing on anything it took me so many years to understand it.

This was a long time coming but it's 2011 and today, I finally killed my old blog. My archives are still safe somewhere, they're just not where they used to be.

This isn't the end though. This is the beginning. The nocturnal devil is about to be reincarnated